Come on, wtf? The disaster relief plan developed before Katrina hit acknowldged that up to 20% of the population of New Orleans would not be able to leave due to lack of money and/or transportation. Sure, some people who had the ability to leave stayed irresponsibly, but some of those people chose to stay with elderly and sick relatives who could not be evacuated. Others are just plain uneducated and uninformed as to what could happen. And even if it is a matter of bad judgement, who has not made decisions in their life that they regret? Maybe I should tell my 91 yr old grandma to carry her own oxygen tank... I mean no one forced her to smoke for 40 yrs. She made her own decision. right?
The other thing I am hearing is "those people don't deserve help... they are shooting at rescue workers." What? So all of the 10s and 10s of thousands of people stuck there are lawless thugs now? All of them? When I pointed out that most of the people there weren't shooting at rescue workers, the response I get was that "they" need to get there own people in line. Does this sound suspiciously racist to anyone else?
People just piss me off.
/end_rantStatistics: Posted by Dedalus — Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:42 am