The thing that killed it was the Sony had no idea what to do with the game. The constant changing, nerfing, and grinding was lame. You'd work months to gain experience for a certain profession only to have them nerf it the moment you got it. Or, you'd work hard to obtain some weapon, again, only to have those nerfed after you got them. I mean, NOTHING is more frustrating than finding out you wasted months trying to obtain something only to have it nerf'd or taken away from you entirely.
When Jedi's became attainable, that killed the game a bit more. And the final nail in the coffin was the last combat upgrade. It completely changed the game. Say "goodbye" to your loyal fan base that stayed with you for over 2 years at that point.
There were soooo many things that Sony & Lucas Arts did wrong with that game. It should be the prototype of how NOT to build a MMORPG.Statistics: Posted by Mammoth — Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:56 pm