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[R]age on Facebook

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:28 am
by Mammoth
Just and FYI...

There's a [R]age facebook page and it's run by Rimjob. You've got to be "approved" to join the group, so just click on the request link and join. Evidently, he approves anyone who sends him a request. He didn't even ask who I was. And, since it's a group and not a friend, your security settings apply. Meaning, if they click on your name, they can't see shit. No pictures. No private info. No nothing. Provided your security settings are pretty strict (like mine), you can join the group and still keep your real life separate/hidden/private from the group members.

There is an editable file included on the page, too, so you can see who everyone is. That file is completely voluntary, so if you don't want to add your name, you don't have to. But if you're curious, just open it up and see who's who.

Here's the link: