The thing is, his original editorial went way too easy on SWG. I quit for many of the same reason, and then some....
I mean, as far as inept CSR's. My favorite situation was submitting a CSR ticket....then be ignored for two-to-three weeks...then get a response via email back saying "We apologize for the delay in responding to your request for help. However, due to the overwhelming amount of CSR tickets being submitted, we have deleted all existing tickets. If you're still having your problem, please resubmit a CSR ticket and we'll respond as soon as possible." I mean, what the fuck is that?!?!?!?!?!?!
The whole situation where they made me change my in-game name. I mean, to tell me I couldn't call myself "Potsy Webber" because it was a copyrighted name. I mean, come on! What the fuck...did they think the Fonz was gonna sue or something??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
And the constant "Updates." Sure they were buggy as hell. But I won't get into that. Enough has already been said about their buggy updates & patches. What pisses me off is questing your ass off for a particular item/weapon/skill. You finally gain the item you've worked months trying to get. Only to have the devs "nerf" the item/skill a week later. So, you end up wasting hours of your time questing for something, only to have it taken away and made absolutely worthless. How fucking ghey!!!!!!!!
Forcing people to work in groups is gay as hell too. I liked solo'ing. When there was no one from [WSTL] online, I wanted to game by myself. However, they made that virtually impossible and essentially forced you into groups with people you didn't know just to gain some experience.
The cost of $15 per month was the most for a MMORPG ever at the time of it's release. And to charge such a high price for a game that has been buggy since day #1 is pathetic and dishonest.
During it's first few months of existence, it was common not to be able to log into the server due to over-population. So, here I am, being force to pay $50 for a game and $15 a month to play it, yet I was unable to log on because their servers couldn't handle all the people. Again, how fucking ghey!!!! I paid good money to play the game, yet I couldn't log into my account to actually enjoy it.
SWG and SOE suck. I'll never buy a MMOG again. And I'll definately not play any multiplayer game that has SOE as the hosting company. They're simply pathetic!